Before you finalize your site map, let's think in more detail about how a good 

direct response website should be organized. 

Our first rule forbids the use of external links. Therefore, you can eliminate any 

links pages, sidebars with site affiliates, advertising banners, or such things from 

your site map. Although selling advertising space on your website may seem like 

a good idea for building revenue, it distracts your viewers from your central goal: 

selling the product. So, keep it simple, and leave the advertising off. 

Our second rule dictates that content on your site should be limited to only that 

which is essential for persuading people to buy your product. The policy that 

goes along with this rule is to consolidate most of your site's information onto as 

few pages as possible. This reduces the chance that viewers will come to your 

page, click a link that takes them to another page on your site about your 

product's features, and then forget to come back to your main page to actually 

buy the product. Of course, there are situations where you'll want to divide your 

content among several smaller web pages on your site as opposed to putting 

everything in one massive index page--if you have a wide variety of technical 

data about your product, as well as photos and testimonials, you run the risk of 

boring your viewer long before he gets to the crucial "Buy" link. 

So, follow this guideline: if your viewers don't have to scroll down more than one 

or two times in order to read all of your product information, put everything on a 

single index page. If you have to scroll down too often to read all of your site 

content, then split the content into separate pages--but make use of pop-up 

windows in order to keep your main page open, or make sure that there's a link 

to your actual "Buy" page in a prominent place on every one of your sub-pages.

Above all, remember our third rule: keep it simple, stupid. One easy guideline for 

doing this is to follow the three-clicks rule: 

• Upon arriving at your site, your viewers should never have to click more than 

three links in order to buy your product. 

One way to implement the three-clicks rule might be this: your viewers start at 

an index page that describes the product information. They then click a "next" 

link to take them to a page about prices and ordering information. They then 

click a link to start ordering the product. That's two clicks in total. Another way 

to implement the three-clicks rule: your viewers start at an index page that talks 

in general terms about the product. They click on one of your subpages 

(features, testimonials, pricing, etc.-whatever best suits your specific product) to 

learn more about the product. They then click on a "Buy Now" button to learn 

about pricing, and then they click on a button to begin ordering the product. 

Three clicks. There are any number of other possible configurations--experiment 

with your site map until you come up with something that gets across all your 

information while maintaining this same simplicity. Your customers will thank 

you-and you'll thank yourself when you see the sales figures. 


The one site feature that you're unlikely to be able to provide on your own is a 

working system for buying products, sending shipping orders, and transferring 

customer's payments to your account. Systems like this are extremely 

complicated to code, difficult to integrate into a page, and above all risky in terms 

of security. You don't want to take a chance on building your own commerce 

system from scratch, starting to take customer orders, and then finding out that

someone has hacked your system and reduced your business bank account to 


You have two options for getting around this problem: hiring a very, very good 

coder with experience in this area (which we'll talk about more in the next 

chapter) or going with a proprietary coding system. The former option--hiring an 

experienced coder and building your system from scratch--is riskier and costlier 

up front but has some advantages in terms of site design and simplifying your 

accounting operations. The latter option--using a proprietary system--is safer in 

terms of site security and more familiar to many users (who tend to use systems 

like PayPal or Bit Pass for several different types of online purchase), but also 

comes with a price: hefty transaction fees and possible content restrictions. 

Which you choose is up to you, but if you think you have an excellent coder and a 

good system for taking in revenue, go with the former option: you'll lose some 

money up front, but you'll tend to gain more in the long-term in saved 

transaction fees. 


Once you have your basic site design, you have a skeleton--and a skeleton is 

nothing without flesh. We'll talk more about developing your text content in a 

later chapter, but at this point we'll think in terms of the basic look and feel of 

your page: images, sounds, and Flash effects that you may want to use in order 

to enhance the look of your page and build your business's personal identity. 

Here are some good rules to follow:

• Use graphics that you already use in promoting your business as a basic 

template for your site design. This builds a brand identity for you, which 

can be invaluable in attracting customers and building sales. 

• Don't get too complicated. Too many beginning web designers feel the 

need to show off their skills, drag every HTML/CSS trick they know out in 

order to make a flashy, impressive page, and end up with an inconsistent 

mess that drives customers away. Choose a simple look for your page 

with a few colors and a general feel, and either communicate this to your 

coder or build it yourself. 

• Avoid music on your page (unless you're selling CDs, instruments, or audio 

equipment.) Music is often irritating to web surfers, makes your page load 

more slowly, and doesn't add much to your online image. 

• Keep load times on your page low. Any images you use should be 

optimized for web use (a good Photoshop tutorial or an experienced web 

designer/coder can tell you how to do this), background images should be 

avoided whenever possible, and complicated scripts running on your page 

(counters, message boards, or Java effects) should be kept to a minimum 

or eliminated entirely. Every second your viewers spend waiting for a page 

to load is a second in which they can easily decide that your product isn't 

worth the effort--avoid this at all costs. 

So now you've mapped out your site with an eye to the rules of direct response 

design, you've decided on the images your page will use and the basic look of 

your site, and you've made some preliminary steps to deciding on what 

commerce system you'll use. 

At this point, it's time to start laying bricks, as the builders say. And even if you 

plan to hire a coder to build your site for you--as many people choose to--it's a 

good idea to know a little bit about what materials your page will depend on. In 

the next chapter, we'll learn just that.


                   DIY SITE CODING 

For some of you, this will be the best chapter in this book. For others of you, this 

will be a temporary detour into an interesting world, but not one that you'll need 

to know everything about in order to be successful with direct response websites. 

For both groups, much of this information will be helpful. If you know something 

about how web pages work, then you'll know what to ask for--and what not to 

ask for--when it comes to hiring a coder to build your website. If you want 

something from your page that standard HTML can't deliver, you may find 

yourself facing extra charges for CSS or even Flash design--or you may find 

yourself striving to build a page that simply can't be built with current 

technology. And if you're not familiar with exactly how computers interpret and 

display website code, then you may run into costly revisions down the road when 

customers complain that your website doesn't work with their browser--as well as 

lost sales. 

So, if you're interested in building your direct response site yourself, this is the 

place to start. If you're more interested in saving yourself some effort and hiring 

a coder, familiarize yourself with a few of these terms before moving on to the 

next chapter, where we talk in detail about how to find, retain, and communicate 

with your coder in order to build the best page possible. 


All web pages and websites on the Internet exist fundamentally as text files 

saved with the HTML extension. Web browsers read these text files, decided 

based on them (and based on HTML defaults) which formatting choices to use on 

a page, generate all content from the text file and link to all images, and 

ultimately display the page. 

Of course, it's impossible to talk to a web browser in natural language: saying in 

plain language to "make the margins one inch on all sides" is easy to understand 

for a human layout editor, but impossible for a computer. Which is why--as we 

touched on in the first chapter--standard protocols for online systems were a 

necessary condition for the growth of the Internet. For two computers to talk to 

one another--and in order to ensure that they're talking in the way that the user 

intends--it's necessary to speak a common language, which is essentially what 

HTML and other internet protocols are. 

HTML (or "Hypertext Markup Language") is the most successful online formatting 

protocol yet devised and should be the basis for any good website. It's also a 

simple language to learn (as opposed to object-oriented languages like Java or 

C#, which require a much greater working knowledge of computers and a much 

greater willingness to spend time organizing a program.) HTML is essentially a 

formatting guideline rather than a true programming language, which explains 

some of its versatility and ease of use. 

So, in order to learn DIY coding (or to learn how to talk intelligently to your web 

designer), we first have to learn some key features of HTML. 


When you view an HTML file in a web browser, the computer follows this logic to 

interpret your file:

Files are read in order from beginning to end. 

If the file contains a tag, change the formatting rules to reflect that tag until the 

tag is closed. 

If the file doesn't contain a tag, format the text according to HTML standards and 

browser options (most commonly twelve-point Times 

New Roman.) 

A "tag" is just a formatting instruction to your computer. All tags look like this: 

<tag> </tag> 

Where <tag> tells the computer to start formatting according to the tag, and 

</tag> tells it to stop formatting according to the tag. There's a little bit more to 

it, of course (and a good HTML tutorial can help you with some of the finer points 

of this), but essentially this is all that tags are: formatting instructions. Think of 

an HTML document as a document in a foreign language, with your browser as 

the translator. 

The most important tag in any HTML file is the <html> tag. The first line of any 

.html file is always <html>, and the last line is always </html>. This tells the 

computer that any information between these tags should be interpreted 

according to the standard HTML rules, as coded into the web browser. 

The second most important tag in any HTML file is the <body> tag. Any 

information within the <body> tag will be displayed within the browser window 

when the web page is loaded. The critical tag that complements the <body> tag 

is the <head> tag, which determines information that the browser should know 

about the content of the page--most commonly the <title> tag to determine the 

information to be displayed in the title bar of the browser window, and the 

<meta> tag to give information on the page's content to search engines. (A full

discussion of the <meta> tag is well beyond the scope of this book but will be 

dealt with in a bit more detail in the marketing chapter.) 

The most commonly seen tag in most HTML files is the <p> tag (which appears 

only in the <body> section of the file, as will all the tags below.) The <p> tag 

tells the browser to start a new paragraph of text, including a full line break 

between paragraphs. Within the <p> tag, it's possible to place other formatting 

tags, including <b>, <i>, and <u>--which declare bold text, italic text, and 

underlined text, respectively. (If you're not doing your own coding, just know 

that you can use tags to modify the appearance of text in order to emphasize 

certain key words in your sales letter or other content--often a useful marketing 


The <image> tag is used to place an image into a document. The <image> tag 

contains within it the web address of the image to be placed (for example,, as well as optional rules for resizing 

the image to whatever height and weight you want (allowing you to include even 

large images like photographs on your main page.) 

The <a> tag is placed around an element on the page--usually either text or an 

image--to turn that element into a hyperlink to another section of the page. This 

is most commonly used to connect pages to one another or to allow you to view 

larger photos at their full size--you might resize a 1200 x 900-pixel photo to 120 

x 90 pixels on your main page, but at the same time turn that picture into a link. 

Customers can then click on the picture, which will allow them to view the picture 

at full size in a new window. 

The <table> tag is used for displaying text or other page elements in tables on 

your page. A common use of the <table> tag is also to control the layout of your 

page: if the table borders are set to zero (consult an HTML reference to find out 

how to do this, if you're going the DIY route), you can create the illusion of small

text "fields" throughout your page--think of a newspaper with various columns, 

photos, and advertisements laid out on a single page 

(with the <table> trick) versus a single page of a book (without the 

<table> trick.) 

And finally--but perhaps most importantly, if you're building your own commerce 

system or if you're trying to include user feedback and testimonials on your site--

there's the <form> tag. This allows users to input text on your page, click on 

buttons, or select items from a dropdown list--an ideal way to keep your page 

simple while still giving your customers the maximum possible options. (The 

<form> tag can be extremely tricky for HTML novices and can also create some 

security problems on your page if used improperly--be sure to consult a good 

reference and to experiment before you start using this tag on your main page.) 


To return to the "translator" metaphor: not all translators are equally good at 

what they do. Any fan of world literature knows that the same basic text can 

come out in wildly different ways when translated by different people--and the 

same is just as true for browsers. 

A few tags in particular can create problems if your site is designed for one 

browser but viewed by a potential customer in another browser altogether. The 

<table> tag is notorious for these kinds of problems, and while the <form> tag 

will usually behave in the same way across different browsers, it may have a 

radically different appearance for different users--and not always one that you 


There are two solutions to this problem. One is simply to test your page in as 

many browsers, screen resolutions, and operating systems as you possibly can,

and tinkering with your basic HTML code to the point where it looks acceptable 

(and works in the way you intend) for most of these. The other solution is to 

choose one or two popular browsers to focus on, optimize your website for these 

browsers, and then include a prominent disclaimer on all the pages on your site: 

"Optimized for Browsers X and Y, versions a and b." This might cost you some 

traffic, but it isn't likely to be a significant drain on your potential revenue. 


A recent development in the field of web design is the popularity of CSS 

formatting. CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets” and can be thought of as a 

series of rules for the browser to follow when interpreting HTML. 

For example: the basic HTML tag <a> always formats hyperlinks in the same 

way--blue underlined Times New Roman text. You can manually change the font, 

color, and size of this text every time you use the <a> tag in your files, yes, but 

this gets timeconsuming and is limited in its possible effects. CSS files, by 

contrast, can change the definition of the <a> tag for your browser. For 

example, you might write a CSS sheet that defines the <a> tag as invariably 

green, Arial, bold, and without the standard underline. With a little bit more 

effort, you might even define rules for the <a> tag that allow it to change color 

or become highlighted whenever the user's mouse moves over the hyperlink-a 

cool little feature that, if done well, can add to the look and feel of your page 

without costing you any effort or violating any of our three basic rules. 

CSS programming isn't as difficult as hard-core programming languages like Java, 

true, but it's still substantially less forgiving than HTML, and thus requires a much 

greater investment of time to learn and use effectively. If you want to 

experiment with CSS, be sure to give yourself some time to learn the syntax of

the language, work out your page implementation, and be sure that you don't go 

overboard and make your design either confusing or unattractive. You might also 

do some web searches for CSS layouts--there are plenty of CSS formatting 

packages available for free online, including professional suites by design studios 

(released for promotional purposes)--and of course you can always look at other 

people's CSS files and get some ideas about how to implement your own, as long 

as you don't directly steal someone's hard coding work. 


Building a web page from the raw HTML file up can be deeply rewarding as an 

intellectual challenge, is certainly the most costeffective solution, and gives you 

total control over the look and feel of your page. But it can also be extremely 

time-consuming--not only to build, but to maintain. If you want to radically 

revise your product information at some point, you'll have to go back in and 

change lots of very specific HTML formatting in your raw text files-not the most 

effective option, certainly. 

An alternative to text authoring is to invest in an actual HTML authoring tool like 

Dreamweaver or Frontpage. These have significant drawbacks, of course, not 

least of which are the very high price and the lack of total control over your 

website. But they do allow you to change your text through copying and pasting 

without changing the basic formatting or underlying HTML code for every single 

HTML file you use, and they simplify some of the more complex layout coding 

that you might choose to use to make your page look more stylish and unique. 

Some HTML authoring tools actually give you the best of both worlds--

Dreamweaver, for example, lets you edit the basic HTML coding of a page at the 

same time as you edit the page text, images, and layout directly (withou

manually changing HTML tags), which can satisfy both the desire to work quickly 

and efficiently and the desire to have total control over a page's layout. Any tool, 

however, is only as good as the person who uses it, so just use the tools that you 

prefer and that work the best for your coding style. 

If this sounds complicated, it's because DIY coding is complicated. There are 

definite benefits to it, of course--but for many business owners, those benefits 

aren't worth the time invested in learning the language. And even if you know 

HTML and CSS backwards and forwards, you might believe that your basic design 

skills can't give you exactly what you want for your company's website. If this 

describes you, then move directly along to our next chapter, where we talk in 

detail about just how to find, evaluate, and hire a coder or designer who can help 

your website--and your product along with it--stand out from all the rest.