5.    FINDING A CODER 

In the last chapter, we gave you a great deal of information about the basics of 

HTML coding: browser theory, tag management, browser interoperability, and the 

more advanced coding world of CSS. In fact, we gave you so much information 

that some of you may have decided, on the strength of the last chapter alone, to 

give up on coding and look for an outside coder instead. That's perfectly fine--

and even those of you who have substantial HTML/CSS experience might be 

interested in finding a coder in order to save time, or to give a website a certain 

look or feel of which you aren't yet technically capable. So, let's get started on 

learning how to find the perfect coder for you. 


The most important quality to look for in a coder is experience. This is true of 

almost any job, yes, but it holds especially true for any job that involves 

producing goods, rather than simply providing services--and websites are actual 

goods. And as valuable as experience is for, say, a carpenter, the value of 

experience is at least doubled for programmers--if a carpenter builds a bookcase 

incorrectly, the potential damage is limited to your books falling over, while if 

your website coder builds the website incorrectly, you stand to lose massive 

business, compromise the security of your commerce system, or even exposure 

your web server--and thousands of computers besides--to nasty viruses or 

worse. If you look for a coder based on credentials alone--a degree from a 

design institute, for example, or a certification course--then you ensure that you 

have someone who at least knows about all the concepts that website design and

coding requires--but you can't be sure that your coder will know what to do in a 

real-world situation, where things can and do go wrong as often as possible. So, 

if at all possible, get someone who's done HTML work before and save yourself 

some problems down the road. 

It's also important to choose your coder based on the kind of experience they 

have. You don't necessarily have to choose a coder who's done direct response 

site work before--if you followed our instructions in chapter three, your site map 

should be good enough to communicate to your coder exactly what your site 

needs to maximize your conversion rate--but it can be helpful, especially if your 

coder has resolved some direct response site problems before and can help your 

site avoid similar problems. What you do need is a coder with substantial HTML 

experience, especially experience with sites that involve integrated commerce 

systems. Buyers will forgive a few lapses in the composition of your page but 

lapses in your commerce system interfere with the simplicity of the buying 

process, potentially compromise buyer security (and the security of your own 

accounts), and give your site an extremely bad name--and thus a low conversion 


Depending on how you've designed your site and site map, you may want to hire 

a coder based on CSS, Flash, or Java experience as well. If your site design calls 

for effects that only these types of coding can provide (see the previous chapter 

for a quick discussion of what CSS can do that HTML can't), you'll certainly want 

a coder who can bring those skills to your project. Even if your site doesn't 

explicitly call for these skills, consider hiring a designer with experience in this 

area anyway--you don't know how you might choose to revise your page in the 

future, and if you do decide to incorporate some advanced styling or effects in a 

later iteration of your page, you'll want to use the same coder in order to ensure 

a greater familiarity with the material and an idea about the specific problems 

that may arise from implementing more complicated layers of coding.

What's more, a good CSS/Flash/Java coder can suggest ideas for improving your 

website that you may not yourself have thought of. For example, you might be 

using a proprietary commerce system in order to handle your online orders--until 

you meet a coder who can create a more secure, easier-to-use commerce system 

with no service charges and that goes with your overall site design. A good CSS 

coder can also overhaul the look of your page with comparatively little effort, 

bringing in more paying customers and usually giving them a better experience of 

your page. 

Whatever qualifications your coder has, it's always a good idea to check out all of 

the sites they've worked on, as well as any HTML examples they include in their 

portfolio. Look at the kind of work your prospective coder does: are there any 

special layout tricks that they tend to use over and over? Any stylistic choices 

that you just don't like? Does the site work well, or is it confusing to navigate or 


Don't overthink this part of the hiring process: if you navigate your potential 

coder's portfolio on instinct, you can get a closer approximation of how your 

eventual customers will use sites designed by that coder. And unless the site is 

simply a mess (either functionally, stylistically, or in terms of navigation), don't 

necessarily take the coder out of consideration: what you might perceive to be a 

personal lack of taste or foresight could easily be a result of bad decisions taken 

on the part of this coder's former clients. As long as you're providing the basic 

site map and stylistic ideas--and as long as the coder obviously knows what he or 

she is doing on some level--you can avoid the pitfalls your competitors might 

have made and ensure that your site will be successful and striking. 

Although it's often overlooked, there's one factor you should take into account 

when choosing a coder: his or her personality. This isn't as much of a 

consideration for a short-term website project (like the average direct response 

website) --but depending on your business plan, a coder with a good personality 

can be an asset in the long run. As we'll talk about in a later chapter, you're

likely at some point to want to do some revision on your site--whether to add 

new products, resolve some functionality issues, or just to give the site a nice 

graphical overhaul. And it's far easier to make these kinds of changes if you 

know and trust your coder already--easier on you, since you don't have to go to 

the trouble of searching out and hiring a new coder, and easier on the coder, 

since they already know your basic business plan, site needs, and preferences--

and they also know their own code well enough to start working on your revisions 

immediately without having to spend a great deal of time familiarizing themselves 

with someone else's work. 


So now you know what to look for in a coder--but a much greater problem for 

many people is the problem of where to find the perfect coder for your project. It 

isn't simply a matter of posting an advertisement in a local classified section and 

waiting for responses--that might get you some potential candidates, but it 

removes one of your best tools for assessing the suitability of a coder: the 


One useful method is to post your project on freelancing programming sites, one 

of the most prominent of which is allows 

software buyers--such as yourself--to post details of your project on their 

directory of projects, along with some idea as to the rate you're willing to offer. 

Coders can then bid on your project, giving you portfolio examples, any 

certifications they may have, and their ideal rate for the work. Once you've 

checked out what they can do, you can approve their bid, place your payment in 

escrow, and just wait for the coding work to be done. As soon as the coder sends 

you the work (and as soon as you approve it), the money is released to the

coder, and you can both go on your ways--your coder with his cash and 

experience, and you with your functioning direct response website. 

There are a number of advantages to this method. Most importantly, there's the 

wide talent pool from which to choose--just as putting your business on the 

Internet gives your product a much wider potential audience than you could 

achieve through traditional channels, looking for contract employees (like coders) 

over the Internet gives you a much wider selection and a much greater chance of 

finding someone with the perfect skills for your job. Additionally, services like greatly simplify the process of interviewing potential coders and 

determining prices: most of the things that you need to know about a coder 

(namely, their skills and their price) is available at the rental site, just waiting for 

you to sort through the options and make your decision. 

But it's important to keep in mind some of the disadvantages to services like as well. For one, it's very difficult to get a good sense about a 

potential coder's personality from their profile or even their skills 

set. Again, this isn't a problem for short-term work, but as we've discussed, the 

ideal relationship with a coder is a long-term relationship. Not only does make it more difficult to create such a relationship by masking 

coder personalities, but it also makes it more complicated to hire a coder on an 

ongoing basis. only allows you to bid on a coder for a single 

project--e.g. a single website--with no simple provision for providing ongoing 


Fortunately, these obstacles aren't insurmountable--it just requires more work on 

your part in order to build and nurture a relationship with your coder. automatically releases personal details like phone number and 

email address for all projects above $500, allowing you to contact your coder 

directly--once the project is in motion, unfortunately. Before the hiring process--

or if your design work costs less than $500, which it shouldn't (see below)-you 

can post messages to your coder on the message boards or chat

rooms, which is the ideal way to contact them--and there's nothing that says you 

can't ask for a phone number or email address in such communications to help 

you make the informed decision before renting a coder. 

Are there other options? Of course--there's always classified advertising (on or 

offline), there are personal references from other business contacts, there's the 

possibility of emailing the designers of high-profile sites that you've seen and 

liked, and there's the ubiquitous Craigslist posting. But if you're willing to put in 

the effort to build a personal relationship with your coder (and to assess their 

personality and skills before hiring), sites like simply offer too 

much variety and too much talent to ignore altogether. 


Web design isn't a cheap proposition. Although it's certainly possible to find 

someone to design your entire site for around $150, the adage in this case holds 

true--you get what you pay for-and you're unlikely to get a high level of 

commitment or talent for those rates. Alternatively, it's certainly possible to find 

someone to design your entire site for around $3,000--but again, although you're 

nearly assured a high-quality site, it's difficult for many start-up businesses--or 

even established businesses--to drop that kind of money on a single project. 

Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 for a good direct response site--

the more features you want on your site, the higher the price. If you want a 

good commerce system programmed to order, expect to pay at least $2,000 or 

higher--one strong argument for using a proprietary system. This may seem 

high but consider what you're getting for the money. Web designers with enough 

experience to be valuable to you make their entire living from their designs, as a 

rule. If you underpay them, then they're forced to take on other work in order to

make a basic living--which means time taken away from your site and a lack of 

willingness to work with you in the future. This undermines many of the basic 

objectives of your business and can easily lead to your spending much more 

money down the line to fix any problems that are created by underpaying your

programmers. So, do it right the first time and pay for the level of quality you 

want to get (within reason, of course, and within your budget.) 

Once you have a coder, you've made a huge step toward getting your site ready 

to go live. In order to go the rest of the way, keep reading as we talk about the 

next phase of the process--working with your coder in order to ensure the best 

site possible.




If you've followed our advice so far, you've got a good site map and site design in 

your head, you've got an excellent coder at a reasonable price (for both your 

coder and for you), and of course you've got an outstanding product to sell. At 

this point, it's time to put all of these elements together to create a revenue-

generating site that'll turn a profit. But in order to do that, you'll have to master 

one crucial skill--collaborating with your coder in order to create the perfect 

website for your purposes. 


The first step in a fruitful coder collaboration is always to make your needs known 

as specifically as possible in the first communication. Ideally, your coder will be 

familiar with the basic principles of direct response site design, which keeps them

on the same page as you throughout the process and which eliminates some of 

the initial effort of explaining yourself. If your coder isn't familiar with the basics 

of direct response site design, make sure to communicate it to them as soon as 

possible in the collaboration process. The same three rules we gave you earlier 

in this book will be perfectly fine for your coder as if you back it up with all the 

rest of the work you've been putting into your design ideas as well. 

Of immense help in the collaboration process will be your basic site map. This 

gives your coder the basic template in which he or she can start bringing your 

more complicated ideas to life, as well as a sense--a not very fleshed out sense, 

true, but a sense--of what the finished product will look like, as well as how it'll 

behave. Don't think of it as condescending to give a site map to your coder, 

either--it isn't, and he or she is likely to thank you for it. It makes your coder's 

job infinitely easier, speeds up the overall process of building and revising the 

site--and saves you from any unwanted additional charges down the line. 

Once your designer has the basics of direct response design down, and once 

you've given him or her a copy of the all-important site map, it's time to start 

thinking more specifically in terms of overall style and feel. Here's where the 

process of collaboration can start to resemble a true collaboration, rather than 

you simply telling your coder exactly what you want and expecting delivery. 

There are two ways to play this--or rather, there are two extremes you can take 

when working with your coder on the overall look and feel of a page: 

The coder makes the page look exactly like you want it to look. The coder, using 

his or her individual design skills and abilities, designs the look of your page for 

you from the ground up. 

The best method of collaboration lies somewhere between those two extremes.

To some, the first extreme is the obvious choice. You know the product, after all, 

you know the principles of direct response site design, you've built the site map, 

and you've put a great deal of work into designing the site in order to take full 

advantage of the basic principles while giving customers easy access to all 

portions of your website. Any work the coder puts into your page design at this 

point can only serve to complicate things: it can make the site much more 

difficult for customers to use, for example, or it can put an undue amount of 

strain on your web server or overall bandwidth, or it simply won't look right to 

you. After all, the coder is your employee: you're paying him or her to produce a 

website for you. Since you're putting out the money, you should expect to get 

exactly what you've designed--exactly what you want. 

To others, the second extreme is the obvious choice. Yes, you know the product, 

and yes, you designed the site map, but you're not at all sure that you know how 

that site map should be fleshed out. You have ideas, of course, but your coder is 

a professional in the field of web design, has plenty of experience designing other 

sites (if you followed our advice in the previous chapter about finding a coder), 

and brings his or her own distinct personality and visual style to the product. 

The work the coder puts into your page design may solve some of the problems 

that your original design ideas didn't anticipate: that work might improve the 

efficiency of your site's load time, it might give customers additional unobtrusive 

methods for getting to all of the important content on your sight, or it might 

simply dazzle you and your customers with its innovative look and feel. The 

coder is your employee, yes: but part of what you want when you pay that 

employee is their instinct and expertise, not merely their ability to follow your 

orders. You expect to get the basic site you've designed, yes--but you also 

expect to get something that exceeds your expectations, something they could 

only come from your specific coder. 

The best method for your site and your particular coder is probably somewhere in 

the middle. Talk to the coder about your visual and other design ideas--give

them any sketches, notes, or other work you've put into the site. Explain to 

them some of your general concepts and talk about what you absolutely don't 

want to see on the site for whatever reason. Then--once you've communicated 

some of the specific things you want and don't want on your site-let your coder 

loose on the project. 

The coder will feel better about the project: you're not leaving every decision up 

to them (which can paralyze a less-experienced coder, or which can result in a 

site that you as the client absolutely hate), but you're still giving them a good 

measure of autonomy in working on your site (which engages their creativity, 

encourages them to seek out and solve any design problems in their own 

personal style--and encourages them to work with you again on any future 

projects or site expansions that may be necessary in the future.) 

Of course, you shouldn't cut your coder completely loose once they have your 

basic instructions and design ideas. The easiest way to guarantee success with a 

page design is to maintain a regular schedule of communications with your coder 

throughout the project in order to ensure that he or she isn't wasting time 

implementing features that you ultimately don't want to use in the site--and to 

ensure that your coder is staying on task throughout the project. 

What's the right schedule to keep for regular communications with your coder? 

This depends on the overall size of the project. Any direct response website is 

going to require less work than a sprawling site full of image galleries, articles, or 

content nodes. For the average direct response site, expect to give your coder 

about a week to build a first draft of the site, and schedule another meeting 

either one week from the start of the project or a day or two after the first draft 

of the site is turned in. (If you choose this latter option, make sure to schedule a 

meeting one week from the start of the project whether the first draft of the site 

is turned in or not-you don't want your coder to stall indefinitely on the site, 

costing you time and money, and a reasonable but firm deadline for a progress 

report guarantees that you won't be wasting that time or money.) Keep up that

regular schedule of contact until you and your coder both arrive at a version of 

the site that you can be happy with. 

And above all: make sure your coder has access to all the resources he or she 

needs in order to complete the site. This means giving them any photos they 

need, any product specifications or testimonials you want to include on the site, 

details on the commerce system you'll be using, and of course the all-important 

sales letter (which we'll talk about in detail in the next chapter.) Ideally you 

should get this to your coder immediately upon hiring them and holding your first 

design meeting with them. If that simply isn't an option for whatever reason, set 

a specific date when you'll provide the information and hold to it. 

Under no circumstances should you expect the coder to design your entire page 

without having access to these crucial resources, even if you know enough HTML 

to plug them in yourself once they're available. Minor differences in the size of 

an image, the length of a sales letter, or even the commerce system you intend 

to use can result in hours of work on the part of your coder as he or she tries to 

adjust the site design to accommodate your photos and resources--hours of work 

that you'll end up paying for. So, either get your resources to your coder as soon 

as possible, or simply delay hiring your coder until you have all of your resources 

available. There's no point in asking someone to build a website for you if you 

can't give them all of the tools, they need to build it. 


Don't be afraid of additional charges. (Don't be totally comfortable with them, 

either--see the next section.) As good as your basic site map and strategy are, 

they won't always be able to stand up against the various problems that occur

when translating a good idea into a reality. And when those problems occur, it'll 

cost you and your coder both money and time in order to correct them. 

Additional charges can crop up for any number of reasons, but always crop up 

from only one of two sources: you or your coder. You might realize at some 

point in the design process that there's a better way to organize your basic site 

map, that there's a certain angle for selling your product that you'd like to 

incorporate into your website, or that your original design ideas pale in 

comparison to what you've just come up with. Your coder, on the other hand, 

might build your site exactly to specifications, test it out, and find out that there's 

a fundamental problem with your collective solution to the three basic design 

problems of direct response site design. The interface might not be wholly 

intuitive, for example, or your commerce system might not be integrating with 

the page properly in order to give customers a seamless ordering experience. 

You have two tasks when responding to additional charges: 

• Are they necessary? 

• How much are they worth? 

The first task requires you to look at the website as it stands and determine 

whether your customers' experience will be negatively impacted by whatever 

problem you or your coder has come up with. This isn't just a matter of 

determining whether the site works or doesn't work--it's also a creative problem 

of figuring out if you can make the site work without requiring a great deal of 

additional effort on the part of your coder. If your basic site map is too 

complicated, is there a way to untangle it by moving around existing HTML files 

and changing a few links, or is it necessary to rebuild the site from scratch? If 

your user interface is complicated, is there a way to scale it back--from Flash to 

HTML, say--without requiring a great deal of additional coding and testing? If 

your commerce system is buggy, can you find another one to drop in without

requiring a total redesign? These kinds of issues will have to be dealt with on a 

case-by-case basis according to your specific site and product. 

Once you've determined that you have a legitimate reason to authorize additional 

charges, you'll have to determine just what to charge. Listen to your coder's 

advice, balance that against a list of standard design fees and the total cost of 

your project and approve whatever your budget is capable of approving (with an 

eye to any more unforeseen charges that may come up.) 

Whatever you decide on, make sure that you don't simply allow your coder to act 

like an auto mechanic--make the repairs first, bill you for it later. This is another 

reason why it's essential to maintain regular contact with your coder while the 

site is being built. Make it clear that if your coder encounters any potential 

problems, he or she is to report it to you first before making any changes. This 

limits the coder's autonomy to some extent--but it also saves you a great deal of 

money, which is usually worth the slight time delay that approving each change 

will take. 


The simple answer to the problem of when you can consider your site complete: 

when it's done. 

The more complicated answer depends on one of two things happening: 

• You have the site you want. 

• You can't afford to pay the coder for any more revisions.

Unless your site simply doesn't work--meaning that it actually crashes browsers 

when it loads, or that the individual pages don't link together properly--don't be 

afraid to accept the second outcome. Remember our TV analogy: the goal of a 

direct response web site isn't to be beautiful, but to sell a product. Yes, making 

your site beautiful, intuitive, and efficient can help with this ultimate goal--but it's 

more helpful to have a website that works and does its basic job. 

And remember that you're running a business, not an art museum. The basic 

rule of business is not to let your costs exceed your profits--and until your site 

has been up for a while and has plenty of referrer links and other promotion, your 

profits aren't going to be massive, and certainly not high enough for you and 

your coder to spend infinite time picking at the tiny flaws in your website. If you 

exceed or come close to exceeding your design budget and you have a site that

functions, contact your coder, pay what you owe, and call an end to the process. 

But make sure to leave the door open--once you're making some money from the 

site, you may want to go back to that same coder in order to finally get your site 

to the level of perfection that you want--or to expand your site into something 

else altogether. Just because it doesn't make good business sense to refine your 

website now doesn't mean that you won't want to refine it in the future-and 

possibly a nearer future than you think, if your product and your overall strategy 

are where they should be. 

So far, we've covered the basic principles of direct response site design, we've 

covered how to build your own basic site, and we've covered the process of hiring 

and working with a coder to make your site all it should be. But there's one 

crucial element of a good direct response site that we've left out: the sales letter. 

In the next chapter, we'll discuss just that: the final piece of the direct response 
