Creating Your First Fanpage
Now before you create your first Fanpage make sure you do a bit of researc
If you read my FREE prequel report on Fanpage Dollars I show you the different
research methods I carry out to see what type of things are “buzz worthy” and
what people are talking about.
In order to create your fanpage simply head over to
Now here we can see we are given two options.
The first option is an “Official Page” and the second option is a “Community
If you are going to be creating a fanpage for a business or a brand then you should
be creating an “Official Page”.
<a href="" Target="_Top"><img border="0" src="" width="1457" height="181"></a>
However, if you are going to be targeting a niche market then I would create a
“community page”.
So therefore, for the purposes of this example I am going to create a fanpage on
“Short Emo Hairstyles”.
Now notice the title of my fanpage is going to be something different. It
contains the main keyword but to stand out I am going to call it “I think Short
Emo Hairstyles are Sexy!”
Now according to Google Keyword Tool our keyword generates a lot of searches.
As you can see the keyword “emo short hairstyles” generates just over 40,500
searches per month.
This is a lot of searches for this keyword.
Now I am going to click the “spy glass” link to see what it shows on Google